September Monthly Mantra: Expectations and Appreciation

September Mantra: Expect nothing, appreciate everything

At first, I felt a little torn between picking a new mantra or trying out my August mantra (I am filled with loving kindness for myself and others) again since implementing it turned out to be tougher than I thought! In the end, I wanted to go a different way than the August mantra for this month. Lately I’ve been noticing a build-up of my own expectations that are weighing me down. If you read the August lunch date, you know that life continued to pull up challenges. In fact, by the end of August, I began to expect the worst out of everything. 

I want to go into this new month without expectations. And that’s where this mantra comes in to play. By telling myself to expect nothing and appreciate everything, it will help me keep my expectations in check. I plan to implement the mindset that this mantra encourages for September to see how it affects my mental well-being. I’ve always struggled a bit with expectations, both my own and others. Because of that, I think this is going to be a great mantra for me to try out! 

So in the morning, when I first wake up or during my morning routine, I’ll say this mantra to myself to start the day right. When I meditate during the day, I will either begin or end the meditation with this mantra. And finally, I will try to tell myself this mantra before bed. Not to mention, when I’m feeling overburdened by my expectations, reminding myself to chill out with this mantra will help. I definitely need as many reminders as possible at the beginning of the month while I’m trying to implement this mindset. Although I expect after a week or so, I will start having fewer and fewer expectations and appreciating the little joys more and more. 

So this is the mantra I will be saying to myself during September! What do you think of it? Feel free to check out other mantras!