Katzi’s Korner – Standing Up for Yourself

Bonjour, mon petits amis. C’est moi, Katzi! That’s french. I speak it fairly fluently sometimes. Yes, I am a multi-talented kitty. Anyways, I hope you’re having a super fantastic day and thanks for joining me! Today I want to talk about having the courage to stand up for yourself. To be honest, I’m a bit of a scaredy kitty. I’m not scared of things like vacuums or thunder, though it has given me frights when you hear that big bang in the middle of the night and your entire world shakes for a moment. Not fun. No, I’m not scared of these things, but what I am scared of are other cats. Kitty social anxiety is very common, but can still be difficult to deal with. Rather than confront another cat, I’ll avoid that cat at all costs because it’s a lot easier and a lot less spooky. 

Well, just last week a rando cat came by the house in the evening and stared at me through my morning sunbathing window. He began to taunt me and, though I tried my hardest to ignore him, he kept at it. He even came back the next day! At that point I decided that enough was enough! I put my kitty paw down and told him what for, making it clear that this is my house and he is trespassing. I was so nervous because I’m really not good with confrontation, but I spoke in a clear way and got my point across. I haven’t seen the cat since and my confidence has grown! Don’t get me wrong, I still have kitty social anxiety, but at least now I know I have the courage to set boundaries.  I feel like this experience has improved my overall mental well-being!

I want to share this lesson I learned with you. Sometimes, it can be really hard to stand up for yourself and tell someone else no. Sometimes we think it’s easier to avoid the problem even as our anxiety worsens. You deserve better than that and I want to tell you that you CAN stand up for yourself! So next time someone is pushing your boundaries, lay down the law and tell them what they’re doing is not okay with you. There’s a good chance you’ll be happy with the outcome!