November Mental Wellness Mantra

Time for my monthly mental wellness mantra! We’re into November now which means the holiday seasons will begin! It’s such an exciting time of the year to spend with friends and family. Good food, good company, good presents, and an all-around fun time!

 However, there’s no denying that it also comes with stress. Between all of the family, friend, and work events, I definitely feel pressure when it comes to expectations. During this time of the year, I find that it’s more difficult to let people down and say no. I want everyone to be happy during this time of the year and I don’t want to let anyone down. By pushing myself to please others, I hurt myself and my mental well-being. That’s why I want to start the holiday season with this mantra: it’s okay to put myself first.

Of course, I could repeat this mantra over and over again. Though, it won’t necessarily make it any easier to say no and put myself first from time to time. So I have few ways to help remind me to put myself first.

If an event is coming up and I’m felling unwell or I’m drained from work, I often go anyway. This isn’t really good for either my mental health or my physical health. If I feel drained and need a break, I can allow myself that time that I need. However, I tend to overthink whether I should go or not, outweighing the pros and cons, and exhausting myself.

So this year, if I’m not up for a social event, I’ll try my hardest not to overthink it and go with what I feel is best for myself. After I make my decision, I will try to move on without thinking any more of that. If I find myself thinking about letting someone down or feeling bad about missing the event, I will accept how I feel and let it go. This way I focus on my mental wellness more than the expectations of others. Hopefully this is a habit that can stick for every holiday season!

Another issue I have is that I’ll push myself to go out to all of these events without realizing how much I’m pushing myself. Suddenly, I turn into a complete grouch, not wanting to see anyone and not wanting to do anything at all because I didn’t allow myself to take a break when I needed it. By being mindful of my mental health and being more in touch with my needs during this time, I can better determine when I need a break and enjoy the holidays even more without turning into a grouch. For this, I will be meditating daily and checking-in with my body and mind.

This mantra will be difficult for me to implement for sure. However, I believe that by reminding myself it’s okay to put myself first, it will help me to better enjoy the holiday season with everyone in my life and without wreaking havoc on my mental wellness. By practicing this mantra and living it, I hope to develop a habit to use for years to come. Is there anything that you do to help alleviate stress during the holiday season? Let me know what you do!